The newly launched Bengal Commercial Bank (BGCB) unveiled its official logo at a glitzy ceremony on Wednesday evening at Hotel Radisson Blu in the capital.
Mr. Tipu Munshi, MP Honourable Minister, Ministry of Commerce, and Mr. Morshed Alam, MP officially unveiled the bank’s logo.
Mr. Sheikh Fazle Fahim, President, Apex trade body FBCCI, Mr. Md. Jasim Uddin, Chairman, Bengal Commercial Bank LTD., Mr. Mahbubul Alam & Engr. Ghulam Mohammed Alomgir, Vice Chairmen, members of the Board of Directors, and Mr. Tarik Morshed, Managing Director & CEO of the bank were graciously present at the program.
At the logo unveiling ceremony, the bank’s Managing Director and CEO, Tariq Morshed presented the welcome address. During his address, he informed that even now 50 to 55% of the people in Bangladesh are out of the banking service. Thus in addition to corporate banking, the main goal of Bengal Commercial Bank is to provide specialized banking services to micro and small business enterprises and entrepreneurs across the country. Moreover, the BGCB aims to uphold the interest of the account holders and depositors by ensuring that the deposits are channeled in meaningful investment projects with viable returns.
In his address, the chairman of Bengal Commercial Bank Md. Jashim Uddin highlighted that as a sixth-generation bank and the youngest banking institution in the country, Bengal Commercial Bank’s main goal is to establish its position as a customer-friendly digital bank. The chairman further mentioned that the bank will ensure that the banking service is delivered to the customer’s doorstep, reducing the need for the customer to come to the bank. He further emphasizes the essential financial support required at the beginning of a business’s journey as a startup towards growth. In this purview, Bengal Commercial Bank wants to stand in support of such enterprises. In view of the challenges of the banking sector and diminishing public confidence, the bank will strongly look to rebuild and gain back that confidence. Furthermore, based on the good reputation of the entrepreneurs of the bank, besides large and corporate organizations, the bank will also work with micro, small and medium enterprises.
At the closing of the event, the vote of thanks was made by the Vice-Chairman of the Bank Mahbubul Alam, CIP.
Bengal Commercial Bank Limited is a newly approved commercial bank in Bangladesh. It is about to launch its operations as the 60th bank of the country. On February 09, 2020 – Bangladesh Bank gave its final approval to the bank at the 402nd Board meeting of Bangladesh Bank. The total number of entrepreneurs in the bank is 24. ♦