Buyers and sellers trusting Evaly’s Cash on Delivery


Buyers and sellers are having trust on Cash on Delivery (COD) method of Evaly, one of the top e-commerce based online marketplaces in the country. In the current situation, the activities of are becoming normal again as COD has given the opportunity to buy and sell products.

From Saturday (August 29), Evaly started selling products on COD Method through the “Friends Deal” campaign. About one and a half thousand vendors have participated already to this new system so far. Vendors are taking part in the Friends Deal with various categories of products including various food restaurants, fashion items, electronic gadgets, smartphones and lifestyle products. The company expects the number of sellers to increase to 5,000 within the next week.

Mohammad Rassel, Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of Evaly, said there was a great response from buyers as well as sellers. “Since our bank accounts and payment gateways are temporarily closed, we have started selling products on a cash-on-delivery basis for the convenience of customers and sellers,” Rassel said.

So far, there are a total of 1,503 live shops. Of these, 680 are regular shops, 620 are express shops and 230 are food shops. There are also 125 shops at Friends Deal. The biggest feature of Cash On Delivery is that sellers are getting their payments directly. On the other hand, customers can pay after receiving the product properly. As a result of us complaining about the late delivery of products is solved.

“Since government agencies and business trade bodies are investigating, we will continue to provide them with full support,” Rassel said on Evaly’s current context. We believe we have not done anything immoral and illegal and that is what will come out through the investigation. Apart from this, we are also working tirelessly to resolve the issues that have arisen with our delivery, refund, or seller payment. At the same time, we want to assure the customers that we are continuing our efforts to deliver the products of the previous order as soon as possible. Since this issue involves the issue of payment of sellers, we will appeal to the government to open our business bank accounts at least so that we have the least as soon as possible.

An organization called Products Hub has been selling various types of gadgets items on the Evaly platform. AHM Raihan, Managing Director of the company, said, “We have a physical shop in Bashundhara City of the capital – Gadgets Route BD.” Its partner is the e-commerce company Products Hub. We have been doing business with Evali since December last year. When we compare our own sales with the products sold through Evaly, almost half of our sales are from Evaly. It’s just that Evaly is going through a tough time. But to make such a decision of COD in such a short time in a changed situation is really a great move. This benefits both the buyers and the sellers. As a seller, we have confidence in Evaly and its founder, Mohammed Rassel. If Evaly cares more about the buyer’s product and the seller’s payment, Evaly will one day truly be the Amazon of Bangladesh.

On the other hand, Nura Alam, a shopper who has bought products in Evaly, said, “I got a job just after my graduation. I was saving money to buy a 125cc bike. Because of Evaly, I was able to buy a 150cc bike with that money. I am also angry with Evaly. Delivery time takes a lot. However, many peoples’ dreams have been fulfilled for e-commerce like Evaly.
