We hate to admit it, but flu season is here. We’re pretty much willing to try anything to avoid getting sick, so we have to learn about the right foods to eat when we have the flu. Here’s what specialists recommend:
Kale may have lost some of its superstar status in the food world, but it’s still extremely good for you. Brassica vegetables like kale (and broccoli) are nutritional heavy-hitters, packed in vitamins C and E. To aid in absorption, pair these with healthy fats like avocado or olive oil. In addition to vitamin C’s immune-boosting powers, a study at Tufts University found that vitamin E is associated with both enhanced resistance to influenza and reduced risk of acquiring upper respiratory infections in older adults.
Wild Salmon
This delicious fish is one of the few food sources that are naturally high in vitamin D3. The best way to absorb this nutritional heavy-hitter is from the sun, but adequate sunlight isn’t always available during the winter. A Queen Mary University of London study showed that vitamin D may protect from respiratory infections and the flu—an excellent reason to keep eating the catch of the day (as long as it’s salmon) straight through winter.
Sure, it’ll make your breath stink for a little while, but when you consider the health benefits, garlic is more than worth it. Garlic helps the body absorb iron and zinc, important nutrients for building immunity. Even more than that, a clinical trial at the University of Florida showed that aged garlic may enhance immune cell function and may reduce the severity of colds and the flu. Pungent breath is damned—it’s for your health.
There’s a reason ginger is in almost every single one of those super-healthy juices you want to buy but never really do. It’s a well-known immunity-building food. Per a study from India’s Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences, compounds in ginger inhibit the protein in the influenza virus that causes infection. For an easy boost, cut a slice and throw it into your water bottle; with slightly more effort, you can recreate this delicious Japanese-inspired dressing.
If 2015 was the year of kale, 2017 has been all about turmeric (pronounced TER-mer-ic, in case you were wondering). In addition to adding a really pretty, rich color to any dish it’s a part of, turmeric is, like, next-level good for you. Per a study at Nanjing Medical University in China, curcumin, the active compound in turmeric, relieves inflammation by blocking inflammatory pathways caused by the influenza virus.
Trendy and flu-fighting? Pretty damn perfect. ♦
Courtesy: Yahoo Health